Tips and Prongs With Torch
Yellow Gold
Tip- $46.00 Prong- $55.00
Full Prong- $74.00 V Prong- $96.00
White Gold
Tip- $112.00 Prong- $121.00
Full Prong- $140.00 V Prong- $162.00
Tip- $78.00 Prong- $96.00
Full Prong- $139.00 V Prong- $146.00
Tip- $46.00 Prong- $55.00
Full Prong- $74.00 V Prong- $96.00
Tips and Prongs With Laser
Yellow Gold
Tip- $70.00 Prong- $82.00
Full Prong- $113.00 V Prong- $145.00
White Gold
Tip- $136.00 Prong- $148.00
Full Prong- $179.00 V Prong- $211.00
Tip- $116.00 Prong- $145.00
Full Prong- $210.00 V Prong- $221.00
Tip- $70.00 Prong- $82.00
Full Prong- $113.00 V Prong- $145.00
Channel Repair
Yellow Gold
1-7 Stones $74.00 Each Stone
8th Stone and Over $46.00 Each Stone
1-7 Stones $142.00 Each Stone
8th Stone and Over $88.00 Each Stone
White Gold
1-7 Stones $140.00 Each Stone
8th Stone and Over $112.00 Each Stone
If you, the customer, has more than 7 stones for a channel repair, the first 7 stones will be priced at the regular price. The 8th stone and over will be priced at the lower rate.
Example- A customer with 11 stones in 14kt yellow gold will pay $74 each for the first 7 stones and $46 each for the next 4 stones.
Soldering Definitions
Simple Small breaks in chains, jump ring solder, ear post that fell off, small areas, simple to do.
Intricate Breaks in rope chains, wider solder areas, alignment is needed.
Complicated A break or breaks where other areas may come apart. Very wide areas to be soldered.
Difficult Possibility of harming stones and multiple weld spots involved.
Hollow Rope Hollow rope chains can be tough to repair. Hollow chains are very thin pieces of metal, can easily be melted during repair. Many hollow chains are assembled and soldered every 3rd link. Soldering the broken link can cause the other links to freeze and become stiff.
Gold & Silver
Simple first
Each add'l
Intricate first
Each add'l
Complicated first
Each add'l
Difficult first
Each add'l
Hollow Rope first
Each add'l
Simple first
Each add'l
Intricate first
Each add'l
Complicated first
Each add'l
Difficult first
Each add'l
Hollow Rope first
Each add'l
Charm first
Each add'l
Charm first
Each add'l